CCA Announces Annual Conference on Innovation: What’s Next for Community Education?

Community Colleges Australia (CCA) has issued a preliminary invitation for its Annual Conference, the premier event for Australian community-based education providers and the community education sector.

This year's conference will be held in Sydney from the evening of Tuesday 18 October through the afternoon of Thursday 20 October.

This year's conference theme is "Innovation: What's Next for Community Education?"  CCA has now issued its preliminary call for papers and expressions of interest in speaking at the conference.  We particularly welcome presentations around our conference theme and reports on successful innovations in the community education sector.  Presentations could address such issues as:

  • Challenges for the Australian community education sector
  • The future of Australian vocational education and training in a rapidly changing world
  • VET regulation into perspective: where have we been, where are we going and what needs to be done now?
  • The NDIS:  What does it mean for community-based providers?
  • Funding community education in the new millennium
  • The changing learner: new needs, new services and new solutions
  • The role of community education in not-for-profit community-based start-ups, innovation hubs and landing pads
  • Rural and regional community education: challenges and opportunities

CCA_ConferenceBanner_highres for webPlease visit our conference page for more information.


“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”

Alan Kay, American computer scientist and winner of the A.M. Turing Award


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