CCA National ACE Summit keynote speakers confirmed

Following the 2021 CCA successful National ACE Summit, planning for the 5 April 2022 National online ACE Summit is well-advanced, with five keynote speakers confirmed:

  • The Hon Stuart Robert, Commonwealth Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business
  • The Hon Alister Henskens, New South Wales Minister for Skills and Training & Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology
  • The Hon Gayle Tierney, Victorian Minister for Training and Skills & Minister for Higher Education
  • Dr Cassandra Goldie, CEO of ACOSS
  • Mary Faraone, World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) Board member, Chair of TAFE Directors Australia and CEO of Holmesglen Institute
  • The Hon Fiona Nash, Australian Government Regional Education Commissioner (former Minister for Regional Development & Minister for Regional Communications)

The Summit will feature presentations and panel discussions on:

  • how state and national ACE strategies can address training challenges in a pandemic world to meet workforce needs and support economic recovery;
  • foundation skills – language, literacy, numeracy and digital skills – to assist both unemployed and employed adult learners to study effectively and empower their lives; and
  • strategies to undertake outreach to re-engage vulnerable and disadvantaged learners, including people with a disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, migrants and refugees, people from lower socio-economic backgrounds and those with difficulty accessing online education and training.

Other speakers (view all details here) include:

  • Nicole Battle, CEO of Neighbourhood Houses Victoria & President of Australian Neighbourhood House and Centres Association (ANHCA); Kylie Fergusen, CEO of Community Centres SA; and Dr Don Perlgut, CEO Community Colleges Australia
  • Dave Tout, Senior Research Fellow, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER); Dr Keiko Yasukawa, University of Technology Sydney (UTS); Vanessa Iles, Manager, The Reading Writing Hotline; and Jo Medlin, President, Australian Council for Adult Literacy (ACAL)
  • Jess Wilson, CEO, Good Things Foundation Australia

Summit Chair will be Frier Bentley, Director, Amalgamate Communications (former National Manager, Government Relations, The Smith Family), who chaired the 2021 ACE Summit.

Registrations are now open through the Delegate Connect Conference broadcast platform.

CCA is pleased to highlight Summit sponsors Coverforce, Unique Student Identifier (USI), Training Resource Solutions and VET Development Centre (VDC).

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