Skills for Professional Practice: Visual Thinking for Managers and Teachers

Skills for Professional Practice Series: Visual Thinking for Managers and Teachers

CCA is offering three exceptional opportunities for members to build their visual thinking skills in programs designed to build communication, management, creative skills and to have fun at the same time.

Essentials of Facilitation Practice - Understanding how groups work and helping them be effective

About the Program : The Essentials of Facilitation Practice is designed to help leaders and coordinators manage meetings, groups and staff effectively and creatively. While useful for facilitators wanting to extend their practice, the program is designed to reach a broader, business-focussed audience, and has been customised to be relevant for community education providers.

Who is the program for?

  • Leaders and managers
  • Team leaders and coordinators
  • Project managers
  • CCA member staff interested in gaining the essential foundation or boosting their
    facilitation skills to the next level.

The workshop will cover:

  • Tips and techniques for meeting and workshop design
  • Group dynamics
  • How to set up group environments and agreements
  • The core aspects of facilitating group-work activities based on the six core competencies of the International Association of Facilitators (IAF)
  • Tips and techniques to encourage participation and contribution
  • Tips and techniques to deal with difficult situations.
  • Hands-on experience in putting your new skills into practice
  • The applications of these skills to your college or workplace.

The course will be delivered in an interactive, facilitator lead program where facilitation skills are:

  1. modelled by an experienced course trainer;
  2. discussed in theory and from participants’ own experience; and
  3. practised in exercises that support the learning of key skills.

 When and where:

Sydney, 7 August 2018

Skills for Professional Practice Series

The Facilitator:

Michelle Walker is an experienced facilitator and leader of group-work processes and design. Michelle is a Certified Professional Facilitator and has been accredited for her skills and knowledge in this field by the International Association of Facilitators. She brings her facilitation skills to support organisations and teams in their strategic planning and visioning, change management and team building. She shares her passion and wealth of experience through public training programs around the country.

Program Funding:

These programs are funded under the ACE Programs, Teaching and Leadership Program by the NSW Department of Industry. The 2017-2018 ACE Teaching and Leadership Program is aligned to the Department’s priority to improve adult and community education outcomes.

Self-paced Online Course: Essentials of Visual Thinking and Graphic Facilitation

About the Course:

Essentials of Visual Thinking and Graphics Facilitation is a foundation course that helps participants understand what visual thinking is all about, and develop hands-on skills.   Visual thinking is great for communicating strategy, presenting ideas, or leading learning. The program gives participants the ability to turn their ideas into pictures, and pictures into creative thinking skills.  Drawing skills are not required!

The program includes:

  • An introduction to the principles and facts of visual thinking
  • An exploration of the goals participants want to attain with their practice
  • An opportunity to build hands-on techniques of visual thinking
  • An understating of the materials and resources needed
  • How to develop these techniques further

How and when

The program is online and self-paced, made up of 12 learning modules, a training handbook and support. You can complete it in a weekend or do it over six to eight weeks or up to six months.  Registration will be open from mid March to end May 2018.  It’s free for CCA members - numbers are limited however to a maximum of two participants from each member organisation.

Registration is open to CCA members only, and up to two employees from each organisation.  If you would like further places, please contact Evelyn at

Online Visual Thinking Webinar: “5 Secrets to using pictures Boost the Impact of  Your Training and Communications"

Anne dips her toe in for her first attempt at graphic facilitation

The webinar held on 13 March introduced visual thinking in a business context.  Participants learnt how to use pictures to solve problems, add impact to communications and boost collaboration.  It had direct take-away tips and tools for instant value. It was an great introduction to graphic facilitation for those who just wanted to dip their toe in or were interested in developing it further with the online course (see below).

A recording of the webinar has been added to the CCA moodle. Please contact CCA admin if you need assistance logging into the CCA moodle.