Keynote Presentations
Andra Putnis, Social Policy Lead, Equity Economics and Development Partners
Where are we? Place-based approaches to tackling community challenges in Australia and the role of adult and community education providers
Ben McAlpine, Director of Policy and Advocacy, NCOSS
Mapping Economic Disadvantage in NSW
Ross Raeburn, Chief Customer Officer, Future Skills Organisation
Tomorrow's skills unlocked today
Claire Field, Principal, Claire Field and Associates
AI and VET: Changing how and what we teach
Michelle Circelli, Senior Member of the Research and Data Analytics Branch at the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)
The journey of foundation skills learners through VET: More questions than answers
Adam Siegel, CEO and Founder, Visage Growth Partners
Grow your business without the pain
Conference Stream/Breakout Sessions
Jayne Blake, Principal and Founder JBC International
Strengthening Governance - Available upon request
Sarah Phillips, CEO, POP Education and Shauna Farey, Education Designer/Project Manager, POP Education
Creating meaningful activities: Adding value to training
Donna Dejkovski, Manager, Training Products
The Mining and Automotive Skills Alliance
Adam Siegel, CEO and Founder, Visage Growth Partners
Workshop - CEO Tips and Tricks
Jay Segeth, Program Director, My eQuals
The official tertiary credentials platform
Chris Gandy, Chief Executive, The Essential Foundation
Becoming A Worker

The links below provide resources and information regarding the financial health and sustainability of organisations, with particular reference to not-for-profit organisations.
Links from the ACNC, ATO and AICD
Charity reserves: Financial stability and sustainability
An online factsheet developed by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) in association with Not-for-profit Law about managing organisation financial reserves and the impact on organisation stability and sustainability: what are reserves, why are they needed and how to determine an appropriate level.
Support for Not-for-profits
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) outlines financial support for not-for-profits due to the impact of COVID-19.
Downloadable resources
Insolvency and your organisation
Factsheet (PDF) created by Not-for-profit Law, a community legal service part of Justice Connect, which includes information on protecting against insolvency and the warning signs of insolvency.
Understanding the early warning signs of insolvency
This article from Grant Thornton Australia identifies the signs and stages of an approaching insolvency, so that organisations know their options and have an opportunity to correct their business trajectory.
Swift action is key to turning struggling not for profits around
This article, by Australian turnaround and insolvency expert Mitch Griffiths in ProBono News, outlines the warning signs of insolvency and a three-step process to turn around at risk NFPs.
Using ratio analysis to manage not-for-profit organisations
This article in The CPA Journal, from the New York State Society of CPAs, details the use of financial ratios in trend analysis and benchmarking, to improve the effectiveness of management and boards charged with monitoring not-for-profit organisations.
Risk Management
Not-for-Profit: Assessing NFP risk
This article considers the governance risks faced by NFP boards and explains how they can be addressed.
The main areas of risk for not-for-profit organisations
This article summarises the main areas of risk for NFPs and provides a list of questions in each area. The questions are aimed at prompting you to think of at least some potential risks involving your own organisation that need to be addressed.
Risk Management for Not-for-profit Organisations
Comprehensive risk management guide (downloadable pdf) for not-for-profit organisations produced by NSW Volunteering, a NSW Government initiative. The guide provides information in the key areas of: developing risk management framework and risk management steps. It also provides useful risk management examples, tools and templates.
The role of the Board in risk management
This article reinforces the Board’s role and overarching responsibility for the organisation's risk management strategy. It outlines the key stages and areas each Board should address: risk management strategy, delegation, review, liability of the Board, who/what must be protected and general good practice.
Vulnerability and resilience in the social sector: what we learnt through Covid-19
This article explores how funding, capability, and agility affect how organisations respond to crises. It includes insight into the impact of COVID-19 and lessons learned for organisations. (Read the CCA summary.)
These podcasts can be streamed from the website or downloaded from itunes.
Series 3: Governance and Executive Leadership, June 2021
Episode 1: Being the Chair of the Board of a Community Education Provider
Practical advice and information for Chairs of community education providers, how best to prepare to step into the role of Chair, and the importance of building a good relationship with your CEO.
Chris Taylor, Chair, Tec-NQ, Townsville
Julia Ridout, Chair, Central Coast Community College
Dr Ty Wiggins, Principal, Converge Consulting and Executive Director, Russell Reynolds Associates
Episode 2: Best Practice Board Meetings
How to run effective board meetings: keeping meetings to time, ensuring all members make a valuable contribution, and facilitating healthy disagreement.
Chris Taylor, Chair, Tec-NQ, Townsville
Julia Ridout, Chair, Central Coast Community College
Dr Ty Wiggins, Principal, Converge Consulting and Executive Director, Russell Reynolds Associates
Episode 3: When your Board goes rogue: how to get it back on track
What to do when your board gets off track, how to handle rogue board members, and building a healthy board culture.
Dr Ty Wiggins, Principal, Converge Consulting and Executive Director, Russell Reynolds Associates
Wayne Condon, Principal, Converge Consulting
Episode 4: What is a strategic plan and why do you need one
How to craft a great strategic plan, engaging your organisation in the strategic planning process, and ensuring that your strategic plan is executed effectively.
Adam Siegel, CEO, Visage Growth Partners
David Mackay, CEO, Tuggerah Lake Community College and Chair, Community Colleges Australia
Episode 5: Having tough conversations
How to manage tough conversations in the workplace, adjusting your communication style to ensure a successful interaction, and the risks your organisation might face if tough conversations are avoided.
Nick Hedges, Director, ResolveHR
Sue Reynolds, Vocational Education Training Manager, Western Riverina Community College
Episode 6: Leading for change in difficult times
When faced with unexpected disruption: how to maintain alignment across the organisation, how to seek feedback across the organisation - and the community - to ensure you're responding appropriately, and how to take advantage of change to strengthen your organisation.
Theresa Collignon, CEO, Macquarie Community College
Kerry Johnson, CEO, ACE Community Colleges
Ron Maxwell, CEO, VERTO
Episode 7: Performance management for your CEO: What does a Chair and Board need to do
The importance of assessing the CEO’s performance, practical strategies for CEO performance management, and how to build up trust between the CEO and the board.
Luther Poier, Managing Director and Head of Venture Capital, BlueChilli Technology
Nick Hedges, Director, ResolveHR
Episode 8: Mental health support for staff: best practice
How best to support staff members with a mental illness, designing or modifying staff responsibilities to support their mental health, and distinguishing between a performance issue and mental health issue.
Robert Migliore, Director, Actevate
Nick Hedges, Director, ResolveHR
Evaluation and Feedback:
Please help us to evaluate the CCA podcast Series 3 by filling out this short survey once you have listened to some or all of the podcasts. Thank you.
Producer: Ryan Pemberton, Audiocraft
Executive Producer: Dr Don Perlgut, Community Colleges Australia
Program Advisers: Dr Ty Wiggins, Converge Consulting; and Nick Hedges, ResolveHR
Project Assistant: Clare Harris, Community Colleges Australia
Funding: This audio podcast series was produced for Community Colleges Australia with funding support from the New South Wales Government.
Series 2: Governance and Business Management, May 2019
Episode 1: Corporate Governance (25 mins)
- The need for appropriate governance and what this governance looks like in a modern boardroom
- How to recruit a diverse board and onboarding tips
- As well as the issues surrounding staff members sitting on the board.
Phil Butler, Sector Leader, not-for-profits, Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)
Patricia Carroll, CEO, St George & Sutherland Community College
Episode 2: Building a Successful Mentoring Program (17 mins)
- Benefits of formal mentoring in the workplace
- How to build a successful mentoring program
- Positive flow-on effects for your organisation and your own personal development.
Dr Ty Wiggins, Principal, Converge Consulting
David Fuller, Chief Executive Officer, WEA Illawarra & Chair, Community Colleges Australia
Ted Nabung, Principal & CEO, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Community College.
Episode 3: Succeeding through the CEO Transition (25 mins)
- How to manage your transition to CEO
- Implement a transition plan
- Successfully lead an inherited team.
Dr Ty Wiggins, Principal, Converge Consulting
Joanne Martin, CEO, Central Coast Community College
David Martin, CEO, Western Riverina Community College
David Mackay, CEO, Tuggerah Lakes (TLK) Community College
Episode 4: Strategic Planning (19 mins)
- The importance of clarity in your organisation’s strategy
- How to engage the board in strategic planning
- Why your strategic plan is one of the most important documents your organisation can invest in.
Dr Ty Wiggins, Principal, Converge Consulting
Michelle Simpson, CEO, Tamworth Community College
David Mackay, CEO, Tuggerah Lakes (TLK) Community College
Episode 5: HR, Recruitment, Retention, Development and Leading as a Coach (27 mins)
- Recruitment, retention and development of staff in the adult education sector.
- Key human resource trends to be mindful of now and for the next three to five years
- What it means to adopt a coaching leadership style.
Nick Hedges, Director, Resolve HR
Dr Ty Wiggins, Principal, Converge Consulting
Joanne Martin, CEO, Central Coast Community College.
Episode 6: Funding (30 mins)
- How to maximise your organisation’s chance of funding
- What it means to play the long game
- How to ensure your organisation’s long-term sustainability
- The importance of diversified funding.
Kerry Johnson, CEO and Principal, ACE Community Colleges
Garry Traynor OAM, Foundation Principal, Sydney Community College
Richard Vinycomb, Director, Byron Community College
Theresa Collignon, CEO, Macquarie Community College
Evaluation and Feedback:
Please help us to evaluate Series 2 by filling out this short survey once you have listened to some or all of the podcasts. Thank you.
Series Credits
Emma Lancaster (Series Producer) is the Executive Producer of History Lab (season one). She was previously the Executive Producer of The Wire, community radio’s flagship national current affairs program, and the Executive Producer of 2SER’s first podcast Just Words (2017). Emma is currently an audio producer for Unravel, the ABC’s True Crime Unit, where she worked on the Walkley award winning season 1: Blood on the Tracks and season 3: Last Seen Katoomba. She was also a researcher and fact-checker for Radio National on Trace and Background Briefing and is currently working on season 4 of Unravel, developing work for the ABC Audio Studios and making Ian Thorpe's new business podcast.
Miles Martignoni (Executive Producer) is Guardian Australia's podcast producer and is the founder of Heaps Good Media. Miles has taught audio production and journalism at Macquarie, Sydney and Wollongong Universities. Past clients include Radio National, City of Sydney, the WWF, Fairfax, the NRL, The Cancer Council and Sydney Festival.
Dr Ty Wiggins (Content Adviser) is a Principal of Converge Consulting, and management and strategy consultant who specialises in executive coaching and mentoring and has worked for many Australian community colleges. He holds a Master of Business Administration (Distinction) from Sydney Business School (UOW), and is a candidate for a Doctorate of Business Administration.
Dr Don Perlgut (Project Manager) is the CEO and Company Secretary of Community Colleges Australia, with senior executive experience in a number of not-for-profit organisations. He has been the Project Manager or Executive Producer for a large number of educational television documentaries for ABC TV and the Rural Health Education Foundation. He holds a PhD in communications from Macquarie University.
This audio podcast series was produced for Community Colleges Australia with funding from the ACE Programs, Teaching and Leadership Program, NSW Department of Industry.
Series 1: Board Governance, February 2018
Episode 1: Introduction and Roles - Why Board Governance is Important (14 mins)
An overview of why good governance is important, and the legal obligations of being a company director in Australia.
Episode 2: The CEO/Chair Relationship (18 mins)
Ty Wiggins explains the ins and outs of the Chair and CEO relationship.
Episode 3: Purpose and Strategy - Defining your Organisation's Purpose (19 mins)
David Knowles explains why a strategy is so important, and Michael Newton explains the WEA Sydney process of developing an organisational purpose.
Episode 4: Risk Management - Managing Different Types of Risk (19 mins)
Different types of risk management and how to mitigate risk: strategic risk, reputational risk and financial risk.
Episode 5: Board Effectiveness - What Does a Good Board Look Like? (23 mins)
The many elements of board effectiveness, from how to keep a board meeting focused, to succession planning to dealing with conflicts of interests.
Episode 6: Transparency, Integrity and Accountability - How to Keep Your Board Out of Trouble (18 mins)
What do transparency and accountability mean, especially in relation to the financial status of an organisation? The obligations of a Director in regards to finances.
Episode 7: Finance - Profit is not a Dirty Word (18 mins)
Managing and building finances: why profit isn’t a dirty word, and how your board can get involved in fundraising.
Episode 8: Engagement - Involving Stakeholders and Board Directors (17 mins)
Two different types of engagement - director engagement and stakeholder engagement.
Program Producers:
Ellen Leabeater has been working with audio for over eight years, as a producer and presenter. She has previously worked for the ABC and Buzzfeed, and currently works for 2SER 107.3 making a History Lab as well as producing The Hatch podcast for the UTS Hatchery. She also works as a freelance producer for Heaps Good Media.
Miles Martignoni is Guardian Australia's podcast producer and is the founder of Heaps Good Media. Miles has taught audio production and journalism at Macquarie, Sydney and Wollongong Universities. Past clients include Radio National, City of Sydney, the WWF, Fairfax, the NRL, The Cancer Council and Sydney Festival.
Evaluation and Feedback:
Please help us to evaluate Series 1 by filling out this short survey once you have listened to some or all of the podcasts. Thank you.
The Funding:
This audio podcast series was produced for Community Colleges Australia with funding from the ACE Programs, Teaching and Leadership Program, NSW Department of Industry.

The links below are to some practical and simple resources or information that may be useful or pique your interest. It is by no means comprehensive. It will be revised and added to over time. Please feel free to suggest good resources you come across or use and we will list them.
Australian Research
ACE Providers and Online Learning: Observations and Survey Insights, summary of CCA research by Evelyn Goodwin and Dr Don Perlgut, NCVER “No Frills” Conference, 7 July 2021 – Link to presentation
Connecting to others: basic information about some of the tools that are used to connect people online e.g using your phone and computer Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom.
Be-connected library
Be Connected is an Australia-wide initiative helping Australians to comprehend the digital world. Supported by the Federal Government they have online learning resources as well as a network of community partners - the Be Connected Network - who offer in-person support to develop digital skills and confidence. Many community colleges are Be Connected community partners.
Zoom - provides a remote conferencing service that combines video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaboration.
Links and resources from the Zoom website: https://zoom.us/resources
Warning and tips for how to stop hackers interfering with a Zoom meeting
Tips for virtual lesson delivery and tolls built into Zoom for engagement Tips & Tricks: Teachers Educating on Zoom
Answers to frequently asked questions about using Zoom for teaching Zoom for education: Top 10 FAQs
Best practices when using Zoom for Board meetings How to Use Zoom to Securely Host a Virtual Board Meeting
General training for Zoom https://zoom.us/docs/en-us/covid19.html#training-resources
A guide to utilise Microsoft Teams to move beyond video classes and equip students with portable learning hubs that make the best of both worlds. Power up your hybrid learning
Articles and e-learning design considerations
Simple relearning theory considerations for e-learning designers. 3 adult learning theories every e-learning designer must know - an article by Karla Gutierrez posted on the US talent development website https://www.td.org/insights/3-adult-learning-theories-every-e-learning-designer-must-know
Blog article on the Elucidat e-learning design company website that provides examples of good e-learning: https://www.elucidat.com/blog/best-elearning-examples/
Using Adobe Captivate. Three skills that are useful for people new to Adobe captivate – an article on the adobe blog from Lieve Weymeis, a frequent user and professional designer: https://elearning.adobe.com/2017/03/three-skills-acquire-captivate-newbies/
Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) Distance Learning resources for Australian VET providers on how to stay compliant when adopting distance learning options, with sections on planning, marketing and enrolment, student support, training and assessment, and reporting and record keeping: https://www.asqa.gov.au/distance-learning.
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) Online Learning Good Practice, collated to assist Australian universities’ rapid transition to online learning during COVID-19, which includes getting started, helping workforces to work online, student experiences and assessment integrity: https://www.teqsa.gov.au/online-learning-good-practice.
MOOC List is an aggregator (directory) and website of Free Online Courses and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) offered by different providers. This link provides some examples of professional development for teachers and trainers including e-learning
https://www.mooc-list.com/categories/teacher-professional-development :
Training series developed by the National Disability Co-ordination Officer (NDCO)
Unique resources which support teachers and students of classroom and online music throughout Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. https://e-lr.com.au
Free LLN resources:
Ideas that Work are an Australian company that sell video learning resources (that may be streamed or purchased - at a cost) but are very interesting and of good quality.
E -learning system basics
E-learning product or system sites that provide some good information: Note many of these come from commercial sites – which provide excellent information about e-learning which can be freely viewed.
Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a collection of standards and specifications for web-based electronic educational technology (also called e-learning). It defines communications between client side content and a host system (called "the run-time environment"), which is commonly supported by a learning management system.
One minute SCORM overview on the SCORM website https://scorm.com/scorm-explained/one-minute-scorm-overview/
SCORM 101 -the why and how of using SCORM in e-learning, an article on the Northpass LMS company website https://www.northpass.com/blog/scorm-101-the-what-why-and-how-of-using-scorm-in-elearning
What is SCORM - an excellent infographic on the learndash wordpress LMS site https://www.learndash.com/what-is-scorm/
The experience API (or xAPI) is a new specification for learning technology that makes it possible to collect data about the wide range of experiences a person has (online and offline).
The Rustica software website has a range of great posts explaining learning technology. Links to two of these posts follow: An overview of the experience API(xAPI); https://xapi.com/overview/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=natural_search
and a discussion about SCORM versus the experience – api
Blended and Remote Learning
Learning From Remote Learning - What the Shift to Remote Learning Can Teach Us About Teaching; Some useful insights and practices from a US university lecturer, Ellen Clardy.
Blended Learning: The Way to Go, VET Development Centre VDC News, 12 August 2020, https://vdc.edu.au/vdc-news/blended-learning-the-way-to-go/
The Use of e-Learning in Vocational Education and Training (VET): Systematization of Existing Theoretical Approaches.
CCA CEO Dr Don Perlgut interviews Professor David Wilmoth, former Deputy Vice Chancellor of RMIT University, about his book The Promise of the City: Adventures in Learning Cities and Higher Education (Laneway Press, 2021) (16’).
“Inequality in Australia: What can vocational education and training do?” - a presentation to the NCVER "No Frills" Conference, 8 July 2022, by CCA CEO, Dr Don Perlgut (25’39”)
CCA 2021 Community Education Student of the Year Awards held via Zoom on 22 February 2022 (34’29”)
Community Education Student of the Year Awards 2021 student winners clips 22Feb2022 (4’58”)
Damien Cave, Sydney Bureau Chief of The New York Times, speaks about Australian community, risk and proficiency, drawing from his recent book Into the Rip, How the Australian Way of Risk Made My Family Stronger, Happier ... and Less American. He is interviewed by CCA CEO, Dr Don Perlgut. (17’46”)
A conversation with Professor Janet McCalman and Dr Elizabeth Hartnell-Young, co-authors of the new book, What Happens Next? Reconstructing Australia After COVID-19. Recorded on Tuesday 10 November 2020. (52'18")
CCA Virtual Launch of the ACE Policy Statement
with the Hon. Dr Geoff Lee MP 24 September 2020 (44'32")
CCA Student Achievements (1'32")
CCA Student Achievements
Julia Chant Byron Community College (35")
CCA Student Achievements
Kylie Mahon Community College Northern Inland (29")
CCA Student Achievements
Jessica Urquhart Tamworth Community College (31")
Video Message from the Federal Opposition
CCA Annual Conference November 2019 (1'44")
Student of the Year Award Winner 2017
CCA Annual Conference July 2017 (5'01")
Experience the Community College difference (3'56")
Community Colleges Australia Conference Dinner and Prize-Giving 19 October 2016 (2'10")
Kate Ellis MP video message at CCA Conference 20 October2016 (2'29")
CCA Dinner Guest Speaker Phil Umbridge from Texas
In this video, shot at the Community Colleges Australia (CCA) Gala Dinner at Dockside Darling Harbour in Sydney on 19 October 2016, guest speaker Phil Umbridge from Texas speaks. He is introduced by CCA CEO Don Perlgut. (3'27")

The Hon Alister Henskens SC MP, NSW Minister for Skills and Training & Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology, speaks to Conference on 13 September 2022 (1'16")
The Hon Brendan O'Connor MP, Commonwealth Minister for Skills & Training, speaks to the Conference on 14 September 2022 (3'37")
Professor Lidia Morawska presentation on ventilation and air quality to CCA Conference, 14 September 2022 (19'33")
Tim Crakanthorp MP, NSW Shadow Skills Minister, is interviewed by CCA CEO, Dr Don Perlgut, at the Conference, 14 September 2022 (8'41")
The Victorian Reconnect Program, with Jane Ward, Executive Director, Higher Education and Workforce Division; and Desh Balasubramaniam, Manager, Learner Pathways Unit, VIC Department of Education and Training
Community Colleges Australia ACE Summit 5 April 2022 opening Dr Don Perlgut & Uncle Allen Madden
Community Colleges Australia National ACE Summit 5 April 2022 Foundation Skills Panel Discussion
Community Colleges Australia National ACE Summit 5 April 2022 Learner Re-engagement Panel Discussion
Minister Stuart Robert speaks to CCA ACE Summit 5 April 2022
NSW Minister Henskens speaks to CCA ACE Summit 5 April 2022
Minister Tierney speaks to CCA ACE Summit 5 April 2022
Report on The Community Education Providers and Western Sydney Regional Economic Development, May 2019
Presentations at Western Sydney Regional Economic Development Forum, 26 October 2018, Parramatta

Terry Rawnsley, Principal, SGS Economics & Planning
Julie Scott, Manager City Deal, Liverpool City Council
Kerry Robinson, General Manager, Blacktown City Council
Danielle Bensley, CEO, The Parramatta College
Theresa Collignon, CEO, Macquarie Community College
Eric Wright, Principal, Nepean Community College
Lisa Lillis, General Manager, Training & Education, MTC Australia
Report on The Role of New South Wales Community Education Providers in Regional and Rural Economic Development, 25 January 2018
Presentations at CCA Regional & Rural Economic Development Forum, 25 October 2017, Byron Community College, Mullumbimby

CCA also recommends the following reports and documents

Leveraging Economic Development Through VET Presentation by Dr Don Perlgut
This illustrated presentation examines how VET can promote and leverage Australian regional and rural economic development and community capacity. What can VET do? With VET participation rates more than 50% higher outside cities, Australian regional providers have developed innovative and sustainable approaches. Read especially pages 12 (“Regional and Rural VET Challenges’) and 13 (“Principles for Innovative Rural and Regional VET Programs”). It was used in three “roundtable” discussions at the TAFE Directors Australia conference in Adelaide on 7 September 2017.

The Role of Community Education in Australian Regional and Rural Economic Development research paper by Dr Don Perlgut
This detailed research report finds that not-for-profit community-based VET providers can play a disproportionate role in rural and regional Australia, educating more than 10% of VET students in New South Wales and 20% in Victoria. The report examines the role of community providers in regional and rural Australia, including examples of ‘bottom-up’ innovative community-based approaches. It presents the concept that community providers can be “passing gear” vehicles, accelerating new ideas through innovation and helping regions to prosper.

The Northern Rivers Lifestylepreneur Movement: Connectivity facilitating the rise of entrepreneurialism in Australia’s Northern Rivers region Report by Bernard Salt, KPMG for the National Broadband Network (NBN)
This illustrated report uses Australian Bureau of Statistics data to examine business growth in regional Australia. This report – one of a series undertaken for NBN – show that there are increasing numbers of local “start-ups” (1-4 employees) in the Northern Rivers area (the location of CCA’s first economic development forum), in part due to the region’s increased connectivity through access to fast broadband. Bernard Salt is a demographer, newspaper columnist and acclaimed commentator about the economic, social and cultural changes occurring in Australia.

Australia Wide, February 25 2017 (forward to 21:35). ABC News
A northern Victorian town’s unique attempt to stem the flow of young people to the cities.

Mallee Regional Skills Demand Profile Report by the Victorian Skills Commissioner.
The Mallee Regional Skills Demand Profile is an outcome of the Regional Skills Taskforce – Mallee Region. Comprising prominent Mallee business leaders, the Taskforce was established in May 2017 and chaired by the Victorian Skills Commissioner, Mr Neil Coulson. The Taskforce aimed to better understand local skills shortages, where local investment is being made, existing and future workforce training needs, and what skills will be required for local Mallee students, jobseekers and the workforce more broadly.

Greening TVET Report on UNESCO-UNEVOC Greening TVET and ESD programme
Technological and societal developments and growing concerns about climate change, environmental degradation and scarcity of resources are changing the nature of work. These developments demand that TVET develop skills and provide knowledge to ease transitions to green economies and societies.

The Kangaroo Island Economic Development Outlook. Report by Office of the Commissioner for Kangaroo Island
Kangaroo Island is the third largest Island in Australia and one of the top four tourism destinations in this country that boasts unspoiled nature, immersive natural experiences, purity and quality of food and wine and sustainable development.
Kangaroo Island is in the midst of economic transition, with more than $171 million of proposed and announced projects planned for the Island over the next 3-5 years and an estimated 300 new jobs connected to this growth. There are ‘knock on’ growth and expansion opportunities for current businesses on the Island across many industries. This period of high economic activity is positioning Kangaroo Island as an ideal place to invest or expand. The variety of industries active on the Island paired with KI’s pristine environment could give rise to a wealth of research, innovation and education opportunities.

Keynote Speakers
Jess Pugh MP, CCA Conference welcome, representing the Hon Shannon Fentiman MP,
Queensland Minister for Training and Skills Development, and Minister for Employment and Small Business
Professor John Quiggin, VC Senior Fellow, School of Economics, University of QLD
The Failure of For-Profit Education: Implications for Education Reform
Article published in The Conversation : Why the profit motive fails in education
Professor Rod McDonald, Managing Director and Principal, Ithaca Group
A VET system made in heaven
Christine de Waard, Senior Consultant, Climate Change and Sustainability Services,
Ernst & Young
Climate action resources for business and industry
Request your copy of the Presentation: Widening our lense - climate change and sustainable VET
Saxon Rice, Acting Chief Commissioner, ASQA
ASQA's regulatory model now and into the future
David Collins PSM, Executive Director, Training Services NSW
NSW and the ACE Sector: "Expanding Possibilities"
Dr Don Zoellner, University Fellow, Charles Darwin University
How good is choice in the VET market? "Not very," says big data
How good is choice in the VET market? - summary
Craig Robertson, CEO, TAFE Directors Australia
Navigating the seas of reviews
Neil Pharaoh, Associate Director & Angus Crowther, Strategic Adviser, Spark Strategy
Play to win: how to beat lobbyists at their own game
Lene Augusta Jorgensen, Vice Chancellor, University College North, Denmark
A Danish University College Expanding Possibilities - Part 1
A Danish University College Expanding Possibilities - Part 2
Dr Wendy Sarkissian, Consultant, Sarkissian Associates Planners, Canada
18 Guiding Principles for Community Engagement
Troy Williams, CEO, ITECA
2019 ITECA State of the Sector Report - Part 1
2019 ITECA State of the Sector Report - Part 2
2019 ITECA State of the Sector Report - Part 3
2019 ITECA State of the Sector Report - Part 4
Bryan Palmer, First Assistant Secretary, Apprenticeships and Workforce Skills,Department of Employment,
Skills, Small and Family Business
Foundation Skills and the National Skills Commission
Education and Training
Ron Maxwell, CEO, VERTO
Member Case Studies: VERTO Part 1
Member Case Studies: VERTO Part 2
Dr Lisel O'Dwyer, National Research, NCVER
NCVER Report: Foundation skills provision by community education providers in regional and rural areas
Peta Skulins, Director AATIS
Australian Apprenticeships: Expanding possibilities, or relic of the past? Part 1
Australian Apprenticeships: Expanding possibilities, or relic of the past? Part 2
Australian Apprenticeships: Expanding possibilities, or relic of the past? Part 3
Australian Apprenticeships: Expanding possibilities, or relic of the past? Part 4
Vanessa Isles, Manager, Reading Writing Hotline
"Sorry, but we can't help you": Current challenges facing Australian adult literacy
Sinead McKenna, Manager, PwC's Skills for Australia
Workshop: Foundation Skills Training Package - exploring implementation
Robyn Keenan, Manager ACE Colleges QLD
Partner for profit
David Garner, General Manager, Regulatory Operations, ASQA
ASQA's decision-making process
Deborah Brook, Rio Education, WDCi Group
Rio Education - presentation
Stuart Munro, Analytics Specialist, Boxer ICT
Live Caption, Inclusivity Sponsor - Scribble
Janette Dines, USI Office
The USI - now and into the future - Part 1
The USI - now and into the future - Part 2
The USI - now and into the future - Part 3
Leadership and Governance
Gary Traynor OAM, Principal, Sydney Community College
Address to CCA Conference, Tuesday 19th November, 2019
Brad Sherringham, CEO, Global Governance Initiative and Adriaan den Dulk, Consultant, Ansvar Insurance
Workshop: Expanding Possibilities - governance in not-for-profit community-based organisations
Matt Peachy, TLRG
Remaining calm in the face of Digital Disruption - Coming soon
Build your Skills
Jo Garner, Director, Strategic Grants
Workshop: Securing Funding - the essentials to ensure success
Tamara Simon, RTO Business Coach, Take Another Look
Workshop: Who's really running your RTO? You or everyone and everything else? Part 1
Workshop: Who's really running your RTO? You or everyone and everything else? Part 2
Stuart Munro, Analytics Specialist, Boxer ICT
Live Caption, Inclusivity Sponsor - Scribble
Community and Economic Development
Brett Hall, Director - Research Projects and Policy, Jobs Queensland
Driving economic and social prosperity through skills development
Dr Don Perlgut, CEO, CCA
Regional Economic Development - presentation
Mark Holden, Program Manager, Sourdough Business Pathways
Tapping the hidden asset: Sourdough Business Pathways - an alternative approach to business education - Part 1
Tapping the hidden asset: Sourdough Business Pathways - an alternative approach to business education - Part 2
Dr Robbie Lloyd, Community Relationships and Wellbeing Manager, Mid North Coast Community College
Student Engagement: Celebrating our shared vulnerabilities as strengths
Gerry Lister, CEO, The Youth Development
The Youth Development Foundation - presentation

Keynote Speakers
The Hon Bronnie Taylor MLC, Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Premier and Southern NSW
Opening Address
Professor Stephen Parker AO, National Sector Leader - Education, KPMG Australia
Link to Professor Parker’s report Reimagining tertiary education: From binary system to ecosystem (August 2018)
Dr Ricky Shabazz, President, San Diego City College, California
Building community via social justice and environmental stewardship
Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, Minister for Small and Family Business, Skills & Vocational Education
Saxon Rice, Deputy Chief Commissioner and Commissioner, Risk Intelligence and Regulatory Support, ASQA
The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA): Activities, priorities and plans
Angie Sceats, Two Good Co
Social enterprise in action: the Two Good Co Story
Senator the Hon Doug Cameron, Shadow Minister for Skills, TAFE and Apprenticeships
Andre Diez de Aux, Director, Policy and Research, TAFE Directors Australia
TAFE and Community Colleges: a shared vision for VET in Australia?
Raymond Janse van Rensburg, Director, Systems Engineering, CISCO Australia & New Zealand
Paving the pathways in a digital world
Wendy Perry, Managing Director, Workforce BluePrint
Social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education: a local, national and global perspective
The Hon Dr Gary Johns, Commissioner at the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
Update from the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
Katherine Sainty, Director, Sainty Law
Organisational privacy in the digital age: policies, practices and pitfalls - what you need to know
Anthony Black, Senior Risk Solution Consultant, Ansvar Risk
Transforming risk management for good governance
Phil Butler, Sector Leader NFP, AICD
Government challenges for NFPs: culture, conduct and consequences
Peter Wilson, Facilitator, Impact Facilitation
Leadership practices for building an effective and resilient team
Nick Hedges, Human Resources and Workplace Relations Advisor, Resolve HR
Leading from the front: tips on creating an extraordinary culture in your organisation
Kevin Ekendahl, Managing Director, Audit Express
Leading community development through social enterprise
Judy Foster, NSW & ACT Manager, Philanthropy Australia
Philanthropic approaches to social enterprise
Lawrence Jackson, Managing Director, Catalyst Management
Developing your organisation's fundraising program
Social Justice
ACE Community College: Natalie Hannah, Luke Close and Jan Levy
Playing the long game: engagement and longevity in Aboriginal education
Gerry Lister, Director, The Youth Development Foundation
Engaging with disadvantaged young people: The Youth Development Foundation story
Margaret Teed, Mentor Program Coordinator, City East College
The City East Mentor Program: supporting professionally skilled migrants and refugees
Building Skills
Belinda Cooley and Marina Zuzic, School Link Managers, CAMHS
Responding to mental health complexities in schools
Dr Robbie Lloyd, Community Relationship Manager, Port Macquarie Community College
Social and emotional wellbeing for students and staff in community colleges
Kristen Osborne, Graduate Research Officer, NCVER and George Myconos, Research Fellow, Brotherhood of St Laurence
From school to VET: supporting and engaging recent school leavers in vocational education
Jennifer Trybula, Manager Strategic Projects, Tec-NQ
RTO grassroots engagement through digital marketing
Lisel O'Dwyer, Team Leader, National Research, NCVER
Build me up Buttercup! A discussion forum exploring foundation skills and regional delivery.
Selected Presentations from CCA's 2017 Conference

The Hon Karen Andrews MP, Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills
Conference Opening
Senator the Hon Doug Cameron, Shadow Minister for Skills and Apprenticeships
Opening Address
Susan Pascoe AM, Commissioner, Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
Governance in the Community Sector: the ACNC View
Professor Peter Noonan, Professor of Tertiary Education, Mitchell Institute, Victoria University
The Current and Future Landscape for Tertiary Education Funding
The Hon Michael Lavarch AO, Commissioner, Australian Skills and Quality Authority (ASQA)
ASQA's Activities, Priorities and Plans for the Future
Lynn Glover, CEO (Director), Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority (VRQA)
VRQA's Patterns in VET and School Registration
Professor Rodney Maddock, Monash Business School, Monash University
Rethinking the Role of VET
Professor Erica Smith, Federation University Australia
Australian VET: Quality Teaching, Quality Teachers
Emma Dawson, Per Capita
Infrastructure Funding - Report from the Survey of Community Colleges
Dr Laurie Chesley, Grand Rapids Community College, USA, and Dr Robera Teahen, Ferris State University, USA
Education and Regional Development: a View from American Community Colleges
Sarah Davies, CEO, Philanthropy Australia
The What and How of Philanthropy - an Overview of Australian Philanthropy Today
David Pearson, The Don Dunstan Foundation, University of Adelaide
New Models and Community Engagement - How to make your Organisation Stand Out
Dr Robbie Lloyd, Mid North Coast Community College
Shape Shifting between VET and the Virtual World of ACE in the Community
Louisa Ellum, PhD Candidate - Peter Underwood Center, UTAS
Powering up the work of Flexible Learning Providers through strategic partnerships and networks
Zainab Ahmad, Malaysian Community Colleges
The Malaysian Community Colleges: Collaboration is the Way Forward
Toni Cavallaro, National Collections Manager, NCVER
Atlas of Total VET: who's training in my region?
Dr Kaye Bowman, Consultant
Investing in Community RTOs: Scope, Scale, Success Factors & Prospects
Peta Skujins, Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information Service
Australian Apprenticeships: One pathway to a better future
Mana Forbes, Minded
Why should open minds face closed doors?
Frank Krasovec, Jesuit Social Services
Investing in our Youth: Jesuit Community College Experience
Wendy Ratcliffe, WEA Hunter
Investing in our Young People: Disengaged Young People & Community Colleges, the Perfect Fit
Duncun Poulson, ASIC
Building the Financial Capability of Indigenous Young People in the Northern Territory
Maggie Hill, Foundation for Young Australians
The New Work Order
Arvid Yaganegi, Manager, Regulatory Operations - Melbourne, ASQA
Training Assessment
Nick Johns, Johns Education Consulting
Empowering Positive Post-School Transitions: a US perspective
Rowan Cox, WEA Hunter
Embracing ACE
Kira Clarke, Centre for Vocational & Educational Pathways
Shedding Light: the role of private 'for profit' RTOs in training young early school leavers
Selected presentations from CCA's 2016 Conference

Megan Lilly, Head of Workforce Development, Australian Industry Group
The Secret of My Success: Meeting Employers’ Productivity Needs: Lessons for the Community Education Sector
Professor John Buchanan, University of Sydney
How to Train your Dragon: Vocations: the link between post-compulsory education and the labour market
Mana Forbes, Maori Elder, Hamilton, New Zealand
Learning for purpose and learning how to learn: The Tai Wananga Story
Bronwyn Lee, Director – Development and External Relations, Foundation for Young Australians
The New Work Order – skills and experience for jobs of the future
Leo Gregorc, VET Development Centre
Modern Times: Innovative eTeaching – Using Webagogy to pioneer community education
Lucas Ryan, Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)
Trends in not-for-profit governance
2016 CCA Conference Reading List
CCA has developed an extensive “Conference pre-reading list” to accompany its 2016 Annual Conference. Included are books, reports, blog posts, article, infographics, videos and audio podcasts. You can access this “pre-reading/viewing/listening list” here.
Case Studies of Successful Community Education Initiatives
Get Set - Enhancing Rural Women's Lives: Riverina College (Wagga Wagga) empowers rural women, funded by Aussie Farmers Foundation.
Stir it Up and Keep Moving! Kiama Community College (KCC) teamed up with a number of mental and community
health service providers to provide inclusive training in fitness and hospitality.
Susan's Story: A comprehensive and resourced Disability Support strategy makes a difference at Tamworth Community College.
Too Cool for School: A strength-based approach to help youth at risk from Albury Wodonga Community College.
Whole College Approach: Tamworth Community College takes a proactive stance to helping students with support needs.
Incremental Steps: Murwillumbah Community College’s unique disability program.
FA Aged Care: Tomaree Community College’s aged care training at Limeburners Creek.
Aspiring to a Caring Career: Sydney Community College combats social exclusion.
Welcome to the Family: St George and Sutherland Community College offers a lifeline to recent migrants.
Unspoken TAE: The Deaf Society of NSW runs training and assessment courses in Auslan and LLN.
SW Support Group: Nepean Community College promotes healthy food choices.
Skilled & Styled: Kiama Community College connects with the local Indigenous community to build confidence, self-awareness and communication skills.
Let the Journey Begin: ACE Community Collges (Lismore) runs an award-winning Aboriginal learners drivers course.