CCA 2023 Conference Presentations

Keynote Presentations

Andra Putnis, Social Policy Lead, Equity Economics and Development Partners
Where are we? Place-based approaches to tackling community challenges in Australia and the role of adult and community education providers

Ben McAlpine, Director of Policy and Advocacy, NCOSS
Mapping Economic Disadvantage in NSW

Ross Raeburn, Chief Customer Officer, Future Skills Organisation
Tomorrow's skills unlocked today

Claire Field, Principal, Claire Field and Associates
AI and VET: Changing how and what we teach

Michelle Circelli, Senior Member of the Research and Data Analytics Branch at the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)
The journey of foundation skills learners through VET: More questions than answers

Adam Siegel, CEO and Founder, Visage Growth Partners
Grow your business without the pain

Conference Stream/Breakout Sessions

Jayne Blake, Principal and Founder JBC International
Strengthening Governance - Available upon request

Sarah Phillips, CEO, POP Education and Shauna Farey, Education Designer/Project Manager, POP Education
Creating meaningful activities: Adding value to training

Donna Dejkovski, Manager, Training Products
The Mining and Automotive Skills Alliance

Adam Siegel, CEO and Founder, Visage Growth Partners
Workshop - CEO Tips and Tricks

Jay Segeth, Program Director, My eQuals
The official tertiary credentials platform

Chris Gandy, Chief Executive, The Essential Foundation
Becoming A Worker