Last week, the Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne Age released the results of an investigation into the continuing pain caused by the Commonwealth Government’s income contingent loans program for vocational education and training (VET).
The Sydney Morning Herald article describes it as, “the biggest public policy scandal in Australian history: the systematic rorting...
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Committee for Economic Development of Australia restates call for national VET review

The Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) has restated its call for a comprehensive national review of Australian vocational education and training (VET). Such a review will “underpin future funding arrangements, along with improved data and transparency to help stakeholders make more informed decisions.”
CEDA’s Professor Rodney Maddock spoke at CCA’s annual conference in...
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Australian VET Participation at High Risk of Major Decline, says Mitchell Institute

The Australian vocational education and training sector is at high risk of a steep decline in participation, says a new report by the Mitchell Institute, released today.
“If we look at the tertiary education sector as a whole – both VET and higher education together – and think ahead, then we face a significant risk...
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CCA endorses Adult Learning Australia’s push for a national Australian Lifelong Learning Policy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Community Colleges Australia (CCA) has endorsed the push for a national Australian Lifelong Learning policy by Adult Learning Australia (ALA).
ALA held a National Lifelong Learning Summit in Melbourne on 17 April 2018 that aimed to “put lifelong learning in the centre stage” of Australian discussion to counter inequality, disadvantage, poverty, intergenerational unemployment,...
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Federal VET Forum in Melbourne places VET front and centre in lead-up to next election

An Australian Federal VET Policy Forum and panel discussion will put the issue of VET front and centre in the lead up to the Federal election. The event brings together thought leaders and key stakeholders from the vocational education and training (VET) sector, and will provide a platform for discussion, debate and also for concerns...
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Labor Shadow Minister Doug Cameron restates commitment to community providers
The Labor Shadow Minister for Skills Doug Cameron has re-stated Labor’s commitment to Australia’s community education providers.
In a speech earlier today – 13 April 2018 – to the AEU National TAFE Council, Senator Cameron said:
“The current vocational education and training system is flawed and it needs to be fixed – but the...
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