2021 ASQA National Regulator Update with Saxon Rice

ASQA National Regulator Update with Saxon Rice

This interactive session featured a presentation and discussion with Saxon Rice, Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). Ms Rice provided an exclusive update for CCA members on ASQA’s strategic priorities, with a particular focus on the National Regulator’s regulatory risk priorities for 2021–22 and matters facing not-for-profit community education providers. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions.

This session took place via Zoom interactive on Thursday 25 November 2021.

This session was chaired by David Mackay, CCA Board Chair and CEO of TLK Community College.

About Saxon Rice

Saxon Rice has extensive experience across the VET and employment services sectors as well as the public policy process. Ms Rice previously held a range of senior government, VET and management positions. She was Assistant Minister for Technical and Further Education in the former Queensland Government from 2012 to 2015, and Chair of the then Ministerial Industry Commission responsible for industry engagement.

Ms Rice is a former Director of Global Business Development for an Australian employment services company and was responsible for significant growth into new countries in the European and Asian markets. Ms Rice has also served in a range of Senate Committee Secretariats, including as Acting Secretary and Principal Research Officer to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee. More recently, she was a Member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal from 2016 to 2018 and is a Member and Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Ms Rice commenced as a Commissioner of ASQA on 16 April 2018, before being appointed as Chief Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer (initially Acting) on 7 October 2019. With effect from 1 January 2021, Ms Rice was appointed the National VET Regulator and Chief Executive Officer for a period of five years.

Relevant Links

ASQA Corporate Plan 2021-22

ASQA Regulatory Risk Framework

ASQA Regulatory Strategy 2020-22

A link to the new Statement of Regulatory Intent will be sent to attendees when it is finalised.