CEO Coaching Program 2020

The purpose of the 2020 CEO coaching program was to:

  1. Ensure that new CCA member CEOs have access to assistance and guidance to assist them in “navigating the shoals” of being a community education provider CEO, including how to obtain maximum value from the CCA’s member network;
  2. Assist CCA member CEOs to do their jobs well, supporting them to operate strategically, respond to new business challenges and manage/lead their organisations effectively;
  3. Assist CCA member CEOs in skill-building (professional development) where they may have gaps in their abilities, backgrounds and experiences; and
  4. Ensure sustainable adult and community college (ACE) organisations by strengthening their leadership capabilities, managerial foresight and financial health.

A total of 12 CCA CEOs and deputy CEOs participated in the 2020 program, a record number for CCA. Because coaching naturally lends itself to distance – Skype, Zoom and telephone – communications, it was a natural fit for the ‘social distancing’ requirements of the pandemic. The Coronavirus pandemic has caused unusual strategic, financial, governance and human resources stresses on CCA member organisations; program participants found the opportunity to work with a professional coach at a most challenging time to be very helpful.

Program Funding

The 2020 CCA CEO coaching program was funded under the ACE Programs, Teaching and Leadership Program by the NSW Department of Education. The 2019-2020 ACE Teaching and Leadership Program is aligned to the Department’s priority to improve adult and community education outcomes.

Executive Coaching in 2020/21

CCA hopes to recommence its executive coaching later in 2020 or in early 2021, depending on funding. Please contact CCA if you are interested in participating. (CCA members only.)