E-learning is an integral part of the Australian and international post-secondary education and training landscape. With advanced “social distancing” and the cessation of much classroom learning due to the impacts of the Coronavirus, many education and training providers are expanding and exploring new ways of delivering and meeting the needs of their learners.
Academic research, CCA member and Australian VET practitioner experience have shown that e-Learning does not work for all learners and in all situations, especially for vulnerable and disadvantaged people, including those with no – or irregular – internet access or suitable computers or other devices. Many rural, regional and remote Australian residents, for example, still find internet access in their localities severely limited.
E-learning is a high priority in the age of Coronavirus
Despite these challenges, there is great potential to explore the e-learning potential for Australia’s adult and community education (ACE) providers. CCA has placed e-learning high on its list of priority areas: to see what others do, to explore what might be possible in our sector and to push current boundaries around what trainers can engage with. There have been some dramatic advances in online learning platforms and there are great resources worth exploring. The current moment of reduced classroom learning provides an ideal opportunity to work on alternative and enhanced supplementary e-learning methods and tools. Read the summary of CCA research, ACE Providers and Online Learning: Observations and Survey Insights, by Evelyn Goodwin and Dr Don Perlgut, 7 July 2021.
CCA’s e-learning facilitated discussion group
CCA will soon commence and support a facilitated forum where CCA members and their trainers can share and ask questions about what they would like to do.
Sharing organisational practices, advantages and gaps via CCA’s e-learning discussion portal for members is a great place to start. Please contact CCA via email at admin@cca.edu.au to receive your access to our online discussion portal.
CCA has begun to compile a list of resources and platforms that we believe are suitable for Australian ACE providers: click here for details.
E-learning is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “a system of learning that uses electronic media, typically over the internet.”