Marketing and Promotions Managers Network

At CCA’s most recent Marketing and Promotions Managers network meeting, the group heard presentations from:

  • Danielle Bensley, CEO, The Parramatta College, on “Do your customers know who you really are?”, describing how The Parramatta College surveyed its customers to find out what they knew about the college. Not only were the results interesting, it made the path clear for the direction of the marketing message and putting actions in place to maximise its effectiveness.
  • Kerry Johnson, CEO, ACE Community Colleges Lismore, on ACE Colleges’ development of its new campus at Southport on the Queensland Gold Coast – how the college developed and marketed the new locations.
  • Kate Toohey, Engagement Manager, Bang The Table, who presented the principles behind community engagement and explained her company’s approach.
  • Don Perlgut, CCA CEO, with an update on CCA’s key messages about the sector during the upcoming NSW and Commonwealth election campaigns.
  • Anne Walter, CCA Operations Manager, who introduced CCA’s new online forum.

The group will meet again soon; CEOs, marketing and promotions managers are encouraged to send suggestions of topics or speakers. Contact CCA on for more details.

Kerry Johnson, CEO, ACE Colleges, showing their new Queensland Campus via videolink