Resilience and Mental Health: Two customised sessions for ACE leaders 2022

Note that the following sessions were only for members of Community Colleges Australia. Please contact us if your organisation is interested in membership.

Session 1: Scoping resilience in 2022

A session for leaders and managers. This one-hour workshop provided an opportunity for members to share their concerns regarding the current impact of COVID 19 on their organisation’s enrolment goals, their engagement with prospective and returning students and the barriers and hopes they have towards getting students to return to learning.

This was an exploratory session facilitated by the highly skilled therapists Liana Busoli and Claire Neitch of Big Life.

The session covered:

  • What are you experiencing around enrolments and continuing students?
  • Are you able to engage with prospective students or client organisations?
  • What do you think their concerns are?
  • Where are the barriers?
  • What would you like to be able to do to address these concerns or issues?
  • How are you stuck?
  • What is the mood of staff, clients and your community?
  • Whatever you think is relevant and would like to discuss

This workshop provided a confidential space that allowed CCA members to share their concerns and needs. It ran for one hour. Issues raised in this session formed the basis of the second tailored leadership session to be held in mid-March.

Session 2: Resilient Leadership

This one hour session focused on delivering solutions based on issues raised in the initial workshop, informed by best-practice leadership research and human neurobiology. This session aimed to motivate and empower members to re-engage with students and increase their leadership capacity.

About Big Life

Liana Busoli (M Couns, GradCert, BA) has a wealth of experience working with and in NFP organisations. She is a psychotherapist and trainer with a particular interest in mental health, trauma, vicarious trauma, and staff burnout. Liana gives people and organisations the support, tools, and education they need to improve their mental health and wellbeing and live bigger, richer and fuller lives.

Co-facilitator Claire Nitsch (M Couns ,BA (psych)) is a highly skilled and experienced counsellor, workshop facilitator and coach within the organisational support space who has trained many organisations around psychological safety and mental health.