The CCA 2020 Professional Development program for VET managers is predominately online given current COVID 19 restrictions. Face to face activity will complement these activities as circumstances allow.
VET manager meetings take place every four to six weeks and interconnect with specific professional development activities – e.g. CCA’s business acumen series, exploring e-learning methods and tools and Indigenous engagement. They are supported by CCA's member portal which stores resources and links networks of practitioners around specific topics.

The meetings continue our model of informing, networking and workshopping issues and practices useful for professional VET practice. Areas identified by members around quality compliance processes are covered. Online communication is strengthening engagement and networking by VET and senior managers with new ways of doing business being explored, shared and critiqued.
The first VET Manager meeting of the 2020-2021 financial year will take place on July 23 2020, focusing on the delivery of Foundation Skills and the volume of learning, as well as VET compliance and industry updates. It will be followed by the delayed (again due to COVID) launch of CCA’s project management program to assist participants to formulate and enact innovative projects to build individual and organisational capacity.
Stay tuned to this page for updates.
Program funding
The 2020 CCA VET managers meetings and network activities are funded by the NSW Department of Education through the 2019-20 ACE Teaching and Leadership Program, which is aligned to the Department’s priority to improve adult and community education outcomes.