• Created: June 7, 2016 11:52 pm
  • Updated: January 30, 2024 6:06 am
Address: 90-98 Murray Street, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Phone number: 02 6933 5555
Email address: info@riverinacc.edu.au
Riverina Community College is a non-profit focused on delivering community programs that improve the lives of Access and Equity groups (particularly disadvantaged youth) and transition them back into education and employment. Our objective is to assist our learners achieve improved outcomes in all areas of life particularly in personal wellbeing and gaining the confidence and soft skills to develop and grow. We do this by identifying and building capacity to address relevant community needs and by providing appropriate services for individuals or groups who are disadvantaged. This includes youth at risk, the unemployed (particularly younger people 17-24), migrants and refugees, seniors and people with disabilities.

Riverina Community College is a Registered Training Organisation regulated by the Australian Quality Skills Authority (ASQA) and works within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). The College is accredited to deliver and assess a variety of skill sets and qualifications from Certificate II to Diploma level in areas such as:

• Community Services & Health
• Business and Administration
• Leadership and Management
• Hospitality
• Hair and Beauty
• Retail

Training is customised to suit the individual needs of the client/s and is delivered in a flexible environment using one on one training, face to face classroom workshops, distance learning and workplace learning.

Riverina Community College runs a number of community programs designed to meet the needs of our community and include:

Inclusive Community Education Program (ICEP) - operates services out of the Wagga Wagga office to the outreach centres of Temora, Leeton and Narrandera. The program is focussed on enhancing recreational and social activities for adults with disability and allowing them to interact with their peer group and build social networks. It also aims to give carers a break and provide regular reliable respite. ICEP has run a variety of innovative initiatives including a short film, drama, art, games group, model making, cooking and gym.

Transition Support Program - aimed at developing individual students at risk of disengaging from learning. The program provides activities that enhance engagement, increases self-esteem and fosters the sense of being part of a community. This valuable relationship works in partnership with schools and potential employers which in turn provides valuable experiences for the successful transition of students from school to long term employment. We are currently delivering programs in Wagga and Albury.

Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services to promote links between the community and people living in aged care homes or who are living in their own homes but are isolated. The CVS aims to improve the quality of life for these people who are already or are at risk of becoming socially isolated or lonely, whether for social or cultural reasons or due to a disability.

Riverina Community College is operating a program that uses volunteers to visit over 100 people living within the communities of Wagga Wagga, Leeton, Narrandera, Griffith, Gundagai, Harden, Junee, Tumut and Deniliquin. Defence Families Program - designed to contribute towards building resilience in the Defence community by running activities targeted at the spouses of serving Defence personnel. These activities were planned to:

• build self-worth and heighten feelings of value
• empower learners whilst building skills and knowledge
• strengthen social links
• gather evidence to meet current training needs
• develop pathways to suitable local employment opportunities
• connect Defence families with local Wagga Wagga events

The Art Factory - operates through a grant from Arts NSW and is designed for artists with a disability. The Art Factory is a Supported Studio making use of the state of the art facilities at the College in Wagga Wagga and provides artists with support, guidance, mentoring, networking and career pathways to assist in further establishing and maintaining a high-quality, creative, contemporary arts practice. The studio is non-directive and artists are encouraged to develop their own visual language using a range of mediums and styles under the expert guidance of professional arts practitioners. We are very lucky to have the services of James Farley as one of those professional arts practitioners. James was joint winner of the 2016 NSW Young Achiever Award.

Tech Savvy Seniors - A program for retirees interested in increasing their knowledge and skills in relation to the utilisation of digital technology. The aims of the program are:

• To provide seniors with the confidence and skills to embrace and utilise digital media
• To link participants in rural Australia to the community through the use of technology
• To support family integration and reduce the risk of social isolation

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Riverina Community College is a non-profit focused on delivering community programs that improve the lives of Access and Equity groups (particularly disadvantaged youth) and transition them back into education and employment. Our objective is to assist our learners achieve improved outcomes in all areas of life particularly in personal wellbeing and gaining the confidence and soft skills to develop and grow. We do this by identifying and building capacity to address relevant community needs and by providing appropriate services for individuals or groups who are disadvantaged. This includes youth at risk, the unemployed (particularly younger people 17-24), migrants and refugees, seniors and people with disabilities.

Riverina Community College is a Registered Training Organisation regulated by the Australian Quality Skills Authority (ASQA) and works within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). The College is accredited to deliver and assess a variety of skill sets and qualifications from Certificate II to Diploma level in areas such as:

• Community Services & Health
• Business and Administration
• Leadership and Management
• Hospitality
• Hair and Beauty
• Retail

Training is customised to suit the individual needs of the client/s and is delivered in a flexible environment using one on one training, face to face classroom workshops, distance learning and workplace learning.

Riverina Community College runs a number of community programs designed to meet the needs of our community and include:

Inclusive Community Education Program (ICEP) - operates services out of the Wagga Wagga office to the outreach centres of Temora, Leeton and Narrandera. The program is focussed on enhancing recreational and social activities for adults with disability and allowing them to interact with their peer group and build social networks. It also aims to give carers a break and provide regular reliable respite. ICEP has run a variety of innovative initiatives including a short film, drama, art, games group, model making, cooking and gym.

Transition Support Program - aimed at developing individual students at risk of disengaging from learning. The program provides activities that enhance engagement, increases self-esteem and fosters the sense of being part of a community. This valuable relationship works in partnership with schools and potential employers which in turn provides valuable experiences for the successful transition of students from school to long term employment. We are currently delivering programs in Wagga and Albury.

Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services to promote links between the community and people living in aged care homes or who are living in their own homes but are isolated. The CVS aims to improve the quality of life for these people who are already or are at risk of becoming socially isolated or lonely, whether for social or cultural reasons or due to a disability.

Riverina Community College is operating a program that uses volunteers to visit over 100 people living within the communities of Wagga Wagga, Leeton, Narrandera, Griffith, Gundagai, Harden, Junee, Tumut and Deniliquin. Defence Families Program - designed to contribute towards building resilience in the Defence community by running activities targeted at the spouses of serving Defence personnel. These activities were planned to:

• build self-worth and heighten feelings of value
• empower learners whilst building skills and knowledge
• strengthen social links
• gather evidence to meet current training needs
• develop pathways to suitable local employment opportunities
• connect Defence families with local Wagga Wagga events

The Art Factory - operates through a grant from Arts NSW and is designed for artists with a disability. The Art Factory is a Supported Studio making use of the state of the art facilities at the College in Wagga Wagga and provides artists with support, guidance, mentoring, networking and career pathways to assist in further establishing and maintaining a high-quality, creative, contemporary arts practice. The studio is non-directive and artists are encouraged to develop their own visual language using a range of mediums and styles under the expert guidance of professional arts practitioners. We are very lucky to have the services of James Farley as one of those professional arts practitioners. James was joint winner of the 2016 NSW Young Achiever Award.

Tech Savvy Seniors - A program for retirees interested in increasing their knowledge and skills in relation to the utilisation of digital technology. The aims of the program are:

• To provide seniors with the confidence and skills to embrace and utilise digital media
• To link participants in rural Australia to the community through the use of technology
• To support family integration and reduce the risk of social isolation

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