
CCA provides submission to the Australian Government’s VET FEE-HELP Redesign

Community Colleges Australia (CCA) has provided a detailed submission in response to the Australian Government’s Redesigning VET FEE-HELP: Discussion Paper. CCA has warmly welcomed the initiatives in the paper, strongly approving of the overall focus of the paper, as well as the large majority of recommendations and findings.  The points in the CCA submission largely relate...
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Community Colleges Australia calls for a new Ministerial Statement on Adult Community Education

Community Colleges Australia – the peak national body that represents community-owned, not-for-profit education and training providers – has called on all the Commonwealth and all state and territory governments to update and reissue the Ministerial Statement on Adult Community Education (ACE). The last “Ministerial Statement”  was issued in December 2008 by the Ministerial Council...
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CCA supports National Reconciliation Week

NRW_2016_external_email-sig_V1 Community Colleges Australia (CCA) strongly supports National Reconciliation Week, a time of year that celebrates and builds on the respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians. National Reconciliation Week bookends two significant milestones in Australia’s reconciliation journey. May 27th marks the...
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