
A journey of self discovery

Vor Proofe was born in Liberia and arrived in Australia in 2010 from the Republic of Ghana. She began her journey in a foreign land by learning English. Vor then applied to participate in theAustralian Apprenticeships Access Program – Preparation for Health Services Assistant – delivered through Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services in partnership with Western Health. She attended its...
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CCA’s response to Commission of Audit – Recommendation 39

This would be, in CCA’s opinion, a retrograde step. Why? Because we’ve spent the last few years attempting to build a “national” system for VET. Whilst we are not there yet, the intentions around a National Regulator was to recognise the administrative and compliance burden faced by the VET sector. The concept was to remove...
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Riverina Community College and integratedliving amalgamation

Riverina Community College is  pleased to announce its amalgamation with a like-minded organisation, integratedliving, a not-for profit company with head office in Muswellbrook. Both organisations have an excellent reputation for service and innovation, have a regional focus and similar vision, mission and values. The two organisations have been seeking expanded opportunities and, after considerable discussion, the two companies have decided on a merger.  The merger will open access to new...
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