CCA's 2019 Annual Conference
The Community Colleges Australia (CCA) Annual Conference travelled to Brisbane in November, with an informative, inventive and invigorating two days of international speakers, expert presenters and community education provider specialists.
The Conference featured the award ceremonies of the “Community Education Student of the Year” at the Gala Dinner on 19 November. Our annual sponsor exhibition returned with more suppliers than ever before.
This year’s conference theme was Expanding Possibilities, with a focus on how Australia’s not-for-profit community education providers are expanding how they serve their communities, in education, training and community services.
Contact us if you have any questions.
Dates & Locations
Welcome Drinks: Monday 18 November
Old Government House, QUT, Brisbane, QLD
Conference: Tuesday/Wednesday 19/20 November
Gala Dinner: Tuesday 19 November
The Stamford Plaza, Brisbane, QLD
Conference strands
Education and Training
We looked at how Australia’s community education sector could expand its possibilities in education, training and other services to:
- Disadvantaged and vulnerable learners, including those from lower socio-economic backgrounds
- people with disabilities
- learners with low literacy, numeracy or digital engagement skills
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- young people, including special assistance secondary schools
- rural, regional and remote residents
- migrants, refugees and those with limited English language skills
- people who face mental health challenges
- small businesses
Leadership and Governance
The CCA Conference provided opportunities for not-for-profit community providers, senior managers and board directors to expand their skills in strategic planning, managing board dynamics, developing new business models, strategic finance, fundraising, responding to adversity, managing risk and change management.
Build your Skills
Skills we covered included how to approach foundation skills teaching, meeting privacy requirements, digital marketing, community engagement, engaging disadvantaged young people, developing your mentor program, human resources, leadership development and building resilient teams.
Community and Economic Development
Place-based learning constitutes the core business of our members, however their activities extend well beyond the classroom; they provide numerous opportunities for engagement in community life, learning and work.
Civil society organisations in Australia are essential structures to ensure democratic functioning, as a recent broadcast on ABC Radio National illustrates. All of our sector’s activities lead to increased civic participation and building “social capital”, particularly in regional, rural and outer metropolitan locations where local educational institutions are part of the “glue” that holds communities together.
The Conference examined how we could increase our participation in and collaboration with new ventures such as social enterprises, education precincts, entrepreneurship and social impact studies.
What participants said about the 2019 conference
“All sessions were interesting and engaging.”
“This year was my first time at the CCA conference and I was
impressed and surprised by the variety in workshops and exhibitors.”
“Thanks, team CCA - one of my favourite CCA conferences, if not my favourite.”
“Overall, I was exhausted by the end of the conference from the packed agenda
and relevance of the content. There was nothing I wanted to miss. It was great!”
“Rich topics, engaging speakers, great venue.”
“Thank you so much for all of your hard work, great conference!”
“It was a great conference all round- thanks. So well organised! A great
combination of serious, interesting, fun, inspirational and useful.”
“Conference very beneficial and a good learning environment.”
“Thank you for your dedication and effort in putting together an interesting
and relevant program.”
“Excellent mix of main sessions and workshops.”
“Nice balance of governance, stats, policy, HR, practicality and inspiration.”
“Well-structured and delivered.”
The Stamford Plaza
The Stamford Plaza Brisbane is a premier Brisbane event venue, close to the Botanic Gardens and directly overlooking Brisbane River, featuring more than 200 modern rooms (all with spectacular views of the river), restaurants and bar, swimming pool, gymnasium and sauna.
The hotel is conveniently located in the heart of Brisbane City, close to parking and public
transport facilities.

Old Government House
Built in the early 1860s by the first governor of the newly formed Queensland colony, Old Government House was used as the seat of Government until 1910, before becoming part of the University of Queensland’s first campus. As an unsuitable venue for teaching, It fell
into disrepair until recognised in 1960 as a vital part of Queensland’s heritage. After major renovations by the National Trust and the University, the house reopened in 2009, and is now one of Brisbane’s best-preserved historic landmarks.
Old Government House also houses art works of the renowned Australian artist William Robinson, and our Welcome Drinks attendees will have exclusive access to the exhibition.

Getting to the Conference: Transport Options
Secure Parking has a number of car parks within walking distance of Stamford Plaza Hotel. The nearest are:
- 10 Felix Street (50m)
- 60 Edward Street (110m)
- 200 Mary Street (150m)
- 53 Albert Street (300m)
Public Transport
Trains run from the airport to Central Station approximately every 30 minutes. It is a 10 minute walk to the hotel from Central Station, or alternatively catch the City Loop Bus 40 from Adelaide Street Stop 26 to Edward Street Stop 146 - a minute's walk from the hotel.
Taxis are available at the airport, train station and hotel. It will take approximately 25 mins from the airport or 6 minutes from Central Station, depending on traffic.
Walking Between our Two Venues

Community Education Student of the Year Awards 2019
Community Colleges Australia (CCA) is pleased to announce the third annual “Community Education Student of the Year Awards”, with the official ceremony at the CCA Conference Gala Dinner at the Stamford Plaza in Brisbane on the evening of Tuesday 19 November 2019.
This year’s nominations are students who have undertaken formal study with an Australian not-for-profit community education organisation during the period 1 September 2018 through 31 August 2018, with nominations submitted through their community education provider.
Highly Commended
Judging: Decisions on the Award winner/s will be based on the nominating organisation’s nomination, based on the judging criteria of career and study achievements; communication, team and leadership skills development; and achievements in areas other than study and work, including community involvement. More details on judging criteria can be found in the Terms and Conditions (link below).
Details of the 2018 CCA Community Education Student of the Year Award nominees and winners are available here.
Our Sponsors
CCA thanks all of our Brisbane 2019 Conference sponsors, listed below. We recommend them to our members and friends and look forward to working with them again in the future.
Participants particularly commented positively on the government engagement presentation and workshop, the breadth of Ministerial presence, the funding sessions, the three overseas visitors, the variety of topics and presenters, networking with peers, quality of presentations, the two evening functions, the different perspectives on VET reform, engagement skills, interactivity in break-out sessions and access to discussion with ASQA staff.