Dr Deniese Cox
Online Education Researcher and Professional Development Provider, TeachingOnline.com.au
Dr Deniese Cox is known as the go-to source for exceptional online teaching strategies that really are effective. Every research-driven strategy presented by Deniese has been extensively trialled, refined, and proven to work in a variety of settings by diverse educators and learners.
With extensive hands-on experience of her own in the online space, a Masters in online learning, and a PhD in online VET practice, Deniese is ideally placed to help our sector cut through the noise around teaching online.
However, it’s her ongoing commitment to research which really sets Deniese apart. Her current focus on digital skill barriers is a welcome one, and the insights being presented here are not to be missed. Dr Cox will speak on the topic of “Digital skills for education & training: A research-driven, practical good practice guide” at the CCA 2023 Conference.