Community Colleges Australia has established strategic partnerships and collaborations with the following organisations:
- Adult Learning Australia
- Cooperative Learning Limited, a group of 17 community colleges located in northern New South Wales
- The ACE Peaks group of Victoria, convened by Neighbourhood Houses Victoria

Community Colleges is a member of:

Community Council for Australia (“the other ‘CCA’”), Australia’s peak not-for-profit (NFP) membership organisation, dedicated to building flourishing communities by enhancing the extraordinary work and effort undertaken within the NFP sector in Australia.
Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS), the peak body of the community services and welfare sector and the national voice for the needs of people affected by poverty and inequality, with a vision is for a fair, inclusive and sustainable Australia where all individuals and communities can participate in and benefit from social and economic life.
In addition, our CEO is an individual member of the following organisations:
- Public Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA): As a consequence, Community Colleges Australia subscribes to the PRIA Codes of Ethics and Practice in our communications and other activities.
- Australasian Society of Association Executives