Robinson College conducts training outreach to remote NSW communities

Robinson College – headquartered in Broken Hill NSW – undertook a significant remote New South Wales outreach project in January 2020. With support from the NSW Government, the College delivered a wide range of training to a number of remote regions and towns in western NSW. The College conducted training in Balranald (photos below), Bourke (photo below), Brewarrina, Cobar, Ivanhoe, Menindee, Tibooburra, Walgett, Wentworth and Wilcannia (photo on left and below).

Christine Stokes, Robinson College Business Manager, reports:

“The College offered a range of short courses, both accredited and non-accredited. The townships and wider regions engaged wholeheartedly over a three-day period in each community. Due to the extensive stress put on these remote communities as they navigated through the worst drought on record, it was critical to include the non-accredited Self-Care workshop. Mental health is extremely important and more so in remote communities who continually struggle without a lot of relief.

“Not only was there a huge social benefit, but also an economic benefit as some participants gained or kept employment because of achieving unit competency in the training they received. This training outreach activity was the first step in raising the socio-economic level for students and their families and reducing the need for government assistance.

“Robinson College has thanked the stakeholders from each region who actively promoted, donated venues and provided accommodation/catering for the students. The students who travelled extensive distances to engage in vocational education inspired the team at Robinson College to ensure this remote region and the people who live in these communities are supported, with plans to offer similar training early in 2021.”


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