This would be, in CCA’s opinion, a retrograde step. Why? Because we’ve spent the last few years attempting to build a “national” system for VET. Whilst we are not there yet, the intentions around a National Regulator was to recognise the administrative and compliance burden faced by the VET sector. The concept was to remove 8 State and Territories rules and regulations and recognise that the training market should be about up-skilling an individual or a workforce to make them job-ready no matter where they might live or work, or move to live and work.
Transferring policy responsibility back to the States and Territories is a retrograde step which will increase significantly the red tape that our community training providers are already dealing with. Whilst our members deliver locally into their own communities they recognise that the businesses and individuals they assist in their skill levels may one day cross a state border. The systems they need to put in place to develop work capabilities should be national if we are going to build the wealth and health of the country.
State VET reform has, to date, shown very mixed results with contradictory programs and unclear outcomes for learners and businesses.
Stopping other Commonwealth Programs, such as the NWDF, is detrimental to small business, with finite training budgets, who have used this as an ideal process to upgrade their employee skills. What Australia needs is to build economic productivity and, through this, increase individual skill sets and develop and grow communities, especially in regional parts of the country.
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Read the Commission of Audit recommendations here