Monica Laurence, founder of Turtle Talks and former Head of Strategic Development for Lucasfilm in California, gave last month’s CCA conference closing address. In her talk, following the conference’s movie theme, she drew from the wisdom of Yoda (“Star Wars”), and has posted the following summary on her Facebook page:
Last month I gave the closing keynote at the annual conference for Community Colleges of Australia in Sydney. Every presentation had a movie theme, and given my work history with George Lucas, mine was Star Wars. So I presented “A FORCE FOR LEGACY” combining wisdom from Yoda with life lessons I learned having survived the eye of Cyclone Winston, which struck Fiji in February 2016 and was the largest cyclone to make landfall in the Southern Hemisphere.
In every moment we create our legacy, who we are and how we impact our world. To reveal your sparkling essence, take Yoda’s words to heart and “Unlearn what you have learned.” Unlearn your defensiveness, your anger, your bitterness, your resentment, your jealousy and all those feelings that diminish you. Heal from within, and as the artist you are, paint your own life the way you want the world to be. Let the cyclones of your life be the catalyst to overcome your fears. And find the courage to step into your full potential, your dreams, your joy.
I invite you … together let’s create an enlightened world of freedom, abundance and peace. My love to all.