This week’s “quote of the week” comes from Kenneth Wiltshire, Emeritus Professor at the University of Queensland business school, from his article in The Australian on 29 March 2017 (“VET reform: passport for well-rounded citizens”):
“VET is now widely considered an inferior educational choice and this is reinforced by the lack of understanding of the sector by parents and students. Everyone understands what a school is and most have some idea of what a university is. But this VET beast is just too confusing with its raft of certificates, associate diplomas, diplomas and even some higher education offerings. Then there are apprenticeships and traineeships from a curious mix of public and private providers. The Australian Qualifications Framework looks more like a board for snakes and ladders than a helpful guide for the perplexed.”
Read the rest of the article here (subscription may be required, although was not at our press time).