Early Bird Tickets are now on sale for the 2023 Community Colleges Australia Conference.
Click here to secure your Early Bird Tickets.
The CCA Annual Conference returns in-person to Sydney on 10 & 11 October 2023. Expect an inventive and invigorating two days of expert presenters, engaging workshops and delightful social events, building on our highly successful 2022 Conference.
The 2023 Conference theme is “Building ACE Futures: Adult and Community Education Reimagined”. During fluid social and economic times, our presenters, workshop leaders and participants will be challenged to reimagine new means for foundational and data-driven learning through collaborative and inspiring sessions.
Our Speakers
Confirmed Conference speakers include The Hon Brendan O’Connor, Commonwealth Minister for Skills & Training; Ross Raeburn, Chief Customer Officer, Digital Skills Organisation; Saxon Rice, ASQA CEO; David Collins PSM, Executive Director, Training Services NSW; VET consultant Claire Field; Vanessa Iles, Reading Writing Hotline Manager; Joanna Quilty, NCOSS CEO; Jess Wilson, Good Things Foundation CEO; Susan Scowcroft, Community Services & Health ITAB CEO; Rob Bonner, Interim CEO of HumanAbility, new Jobs & Skills Council responsible for aged care and childcare; Dr Keiko Yasukawa, UTS; Jo Medlin, ACAL President; Dave Tout, Australian Council for Educational Research; expert NCVER VET researchers Michelle Circelli and Daniella Trimboli; and the dynamic Chemène Sinson returns as Conference MC.
Conference Events
Conference takes place at two iconic Sydney CBD venues.
Welcome Drinks
Monday 9 October 2023, 6.00pm-8.00pm, Theatre Bar at the End of The Wharf, Walsh Bay
Daytime Sessions
Tuesday 10 October 2023, 9.00am-5.00pm & Wednesday 11 October 2023, 8.45am-4.30pm at Hotel Amora Jamison Sydney
Gala Dinner
Tuesday 10 October 2023, 6.30pm-10.30pm at Hotel Amora Jamison Sydney
Community Education Trainer of the Year Awards
The Conference dinner on 10 October will host the ceremony of the second CCA Community Education Trainer of the Year Awards, which celebrate the work and underlines the importance of Australian ACE trainers and teachers. Watch for an announcement of opening Awards nominations.
Our Sponsors
Sponsorship Opportunities are now available. For more information and a copy of the Sponsorship Prospectus click here.
Sponsors Confirmed to Date