Message from Reconciliation Australia |
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) 2020 will be celebrated entirely online, a way of life we have all become very familiar with in the past couple of months. The theme for #NRW2020 – In this together – is now resonating in ways we could not have foreseen when we announced it last year, but it reminds us whether in a crisis or in reconciliation we are all in this together.
“As this year’s National Reconciliation Week theme says, we are In this together,” said Reconciliation Australia’s Chief Executive Officer, Karen Mundine. “That theme is resonating now in ways we could not have foreseen but it reminds us whether in a crisis or in reconciliation, we are all in this together! Our program of online events and activities mean we can still be In this together while being apart. The anniversary dates which mark National Reconciliation Week (NRW) are significant milestones for reconciliation: 27 May - the 1967 Referendum, and 3 June - the High Court Mabo decision," said Ms Mundine. This year, 2020, marks twenty years since 250,000 Australians walked across the Sydney Harbour Bridge and across bridges in all capital cities and many other cities and towns around the country. Reconciliation Australia suggests 20 ways you can be in this together in 2020. Message from NACCHO on National Reconciliation Week 2020The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) encourages all Australians to take time to talk to one another and reflect on the ways we can support reconciliation in Australia during National Reconciliation Week (NRW) 2020. This year’s #NRW2020 theme ‘In this Together’ reminds us whether in a crisis or reconciliation we are all #InThisTogether. NACCHO Chair Donnella Mills said “We have shown during these tough times that we can all do our part to stop the spread of a deadly disease and the results speak for themselves. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to be impacted by the legacy of colonisation but what continues is our resilience amidst the adversity we face. When we face adversity together, we see stronger outcomes. If we all can work together and support the journey of reconciliation, every step forward removes disadvantage and creates a more solid foundation for our country towards a better future for all Australians.” Message from Community Colleges Australia“Community Colleges Australia (CCA) supports National Reconciliation Week, and encourages all members to reflect its messages with their students and staff, and within their communities,” said Dr Don Perlgut, CCA CEO. CCA has commissioned an Engaging Indigenous Communities Guide for member organisations to support and build their capacities to engage with their Indigenous communities and learners. CCA members consistently over-perform in reaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners, easily reaching many more Indigenous people than other providers on a percentage basis. CCA has also released a Statement on NSW Aboriginal Economic Development.