New Commonwealth Ministry Confirmed

The Prime Minister, the Hon Scott Morrison, has confirmed the new ministry, following the recent election (see full details here). 

Michaelia Cash (who spoke to CCA’s 2018 Conference; see video) has been confirmed as Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, and will be supported by Steve Irons as Assistant Minister for Vocational Education, Training and Apprenticeships.

The Prime Minister has tasked his new Ministry with delivering on five main commitments, to:

  • Create 1.25 million more jobs over the next five years;
  • Maintain budget surpluses and pay down debt;
  • Deliver tax relief for families and small businesses;
  • Guarantee increased funding for schools, hospitals, medicines and roads; and
  • Keep Australians safe, including online, and keeping our borders secure.

The Prime Minister stated:

“A key focus for all of my Ministers and their Departments will be lifting performance on government service delivery. This will include congestion busting on regulatory and bureaucratic roadblocks, making better use of technology and better integrating service delivery across portfolios. The goal is to make it easier to deal with and access the Government services Australians rely on.”

Other ministers relevant to Australia’s adult and community education sector are:

  • Karen Andrews (who spoke at CCA's 2017 Conference), as Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, will work closely with industry stakeholders to create more and better paid jobs in traditional and emerging industries, and to continue championing science, technology, engineering and mathematics as key career paths for women.
  • Minister for Indigenous Australians, Ken Wyatt will focus on delivering the Closing the Gap refresh, in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and the states and territories.
  • Anne Ruston is Minister for Family and Social Services and Luke Howarth is Assistant Minister for Community Housing, Homelessness and Community Services.
  • Richard Colbeck is Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians and Minister for Youth and Sport, ensuring there is a strong voice for the issues facing younger and older Australians, particularly as the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety continues.
  • Dan Tehan, as Minister for Education, will focus on boosting the outcomes of Australian students, working closely with early childhood educators, states, territories and tertiary education providers.
  • Stuart Robert will be the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
  • David Littleproud, as Minister for Water Resources, Drought, Rural Finance, Natural Disasters and Emergency Management, will serve as an important voice for our regional communities at the Cabinet table.
  • Matt Canavan is the Minister for Resources and Northern Australia and will continue to support mining and resources industries and help develop Northern Australia.

CCA Comment

Community Colleges Australia congratulates the Morrison Government upon being returned in the recent election.

CCA thanks the Government for its past support, especially its success in cleaning up the long-simmering VET FEE-HELP mess. CCA notes the release of the Joyce Review in association with the 2019/20 Budget, and will supply full comments to the Government to ensure that our sector contributes positively to Australia’s future directions in vocational education and training.

CCA looks forward to continuing to work with the Government to ensure that Australia’s post-secondary education and training system is rigorous, properly funded, inclusive and responsive to the needs of all Australians, particularly those who are most vulnerable and disadvantaged, including those in regional and rural areas. CCA has laid out a series of national policy requests, which CCA believes will support the capacity of the not-for-profit community education sector to assist national skills, economic development and employment goals and priorities.

A key policy is to ensure that Australia’s adult and community education sector is properly recognised for its unique position in Australia’s education, training, community and institutional landscape. Not-for-profit community providers are also well-placed to support Australia’s efforts in improving the country’s adult literacy and numeracy.

CCA wishes all of Australia’s national political representatives strength and wisdom for the parliamentary term ahead, in maintaining Australia as a free, equal and prosperous society of which we can all be proud.

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