North Parramatta heritage precinct ideal location for community education hub

The North Parramatta heritage core being developed by the State Government is an ideal place to include a “Community Education Hub”, says Community Colleges Australia (CCA).

Today's Sydney Morning Herald featured an article about how arts organisations could the anchors for the area to "be transformed under a plan to turn a historic site in Sydney's west into a lively hub for artists, creative industries and start-ups."

"It's not just arts. The NSW Government can draw on the diverse resources, expertise and capabilities of the 11 not-for-profit adult and community education organisations – often known as community colleges – that operate in greater Western Sydney," said Dr Don Perlgut, CEO of CCA.

"What better way to honour the at times traumatic history of this precinct, which is in the renewal planning stages by UrbanGrowth NSW Development Corporation. There can be fewer priorities than ensuring the availability of flexible, place-based education from organisations that specialise in delivering to our most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups: people with disabilities, Aboriginal people, migrants and refugees, older workers, and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds. Let’s add NSW community colleges – some of which have operated for more than 100 years – to the list of prospective tenants of the Parramatta North urban renewal district," said Dr Perlgut.

CCA is planning a Western Sydney Regional Economic Development Forum in Parramatta on 26 October 2018 that will examine how NSW community education providers can contribute more to the Western Sydney region's development needs.

(image above: The Parramatta River in Parramatta)

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