CCA CEO Russ Hawkins has been invited onto the NSW VET Review Stakeholder Reference Group by Dr Michele Bruniges AM who is chairing the NSW Government review. Russ worked closely with Dr Bruniges when she was NSW DoE Director General as he did with review panel member Verity Firth AM in her role as NSW Education Minister.
The review is set to meet for the first time with the Stakeholder Reference Groups on Aug 17, 2023. Additional reference group members include NSW Secondary Principals Council and TAFE Directors Australia representatives.
The review has been developed as a comprehensive examination of the vocational education and training sector and is tasked with identifying strengths, gaps and opportunities for improvement in skills development, training and workforce readiness.
Terms of reference for the review include rebuilding “a strong and sustainable TAFE at the centre of the NSW VET system” and developing a “NSW Skills Plan”.
The review has been divided into 3 phases:
Phase 1: Assess the landscape, deeply research and analyse skills needs and set discussion and consultation sessions for phase 2.
Phase 2: Stakeholder engagement, roundtables, a digital forum open to the public and a skills summit. Interim report concluded by Xmas 2023. Final report mid-2023.
Phase 3: New skills plan to shape government across priority industry, regions and skills requirements.
CCA member feedback and any individual submission to the review is warmly welcomed to
Additional information about this review can be found here:
All CCA members will receive regular updates about the progress and stakeholder engagement phase prior to the interim reports anticipated December 2023 release.