Robinson College, a Broken Hill-based community education provider, again conducted remote training outreach to predominantly Indigenous communities in the northwest of New South Wales, in Wentworth (see photo), Collarenebri, Walgett, Brewarrina, Bourke, Cobar, Wilcannia, Balranald and Menindee.
The outreach trip by Robinson College staff took place in January 2021, and followed a similar expedition in January 2020. The College reports on the successes of three learners:
In Walgett, a mature age Aboriginal man completed three accredited training courses to build his skills and knowledge and diversify his resume. He currently works on part-time with a local organisation and was keen to improve and build his skills so he can help his community as well as gain meaningful employment to further support his immediate and extended family. His LLN barriers previously prevented him from completing accredited training, as he requires additional support in his learning journey. He lives in a very remote community, and due to financial and distance barriers cannot travel to complete training. The visit by Robinson College staff, who travelled from Walgett to his home community, and provided not only him but his community the opportunity to gain quality training.
A young Aboriginal man in Brewarrina who recently completed school and is trying to gain meaningful employment, successfully completed his White Card training. He is able to start part time work with the aim of turning it into full time employment over the next six months. Although he is a quiet student with LLN barriers and poor school experiences, because the class was small, the training was delivered in a manner that addressed his needs and encouraged engagement throughout the training.
In Wentworth, an Aboriginal mother of three children completed three accredited training courses to build her resume with the aim of gaining meaningful employment. Poor schooling experiences resulted in LLN barriers. The additional learning support she received resulted in her receiving a statement of training (SOT) from SafeWork NSW after completing White Card; she stated “I never thought I would ever be able to do something like this!”
